Celebrate those around you

Look for ways to appreciate those around you!

Birthdays are important milestones that we should not let go by lightly. Just as we celebrate Food Day Canada with great local BBQ, perhaps a few fireworks, everyone gets the day off work, we wave the flag proudly and eat wonderfully delicious foods all to commemorate and show our appreciation for this beautiful country of ours; so too we must look for ways to appreciate those around us.

Whether it is our spouse, children, friends, family, co-workers or civil servants, it is a great reminder to remind them through our actions or with our words just how much we appreciate them. Acknowledging and celebrating others and ourselves are two of the essential coaching skills tools I show my clients how to use.

Just recently, my husband and I went to his parent’s cottage for the weekend. We have these special pillows made up of pockets of air that mould your neck and allow you to have a really great sleep. Naturally we travel with them wherever we go and have to spend the night. On Sunday we packed up our precious pillows along with the other items we brought with us, put them all in a basket which we used to cart the items around in, and promptly left them smack in the middle of the living room!  None of this was discovered until we drove 2 hours later to our home!

That night, as I prepared to go to bed I was really missing my pillow and knew my husband would be missing his too. So I dug out of storage the second choice pillow of his, put a fresh pillow case on it and placed in it his ‘spot’ on the bed.  You would think I gave him a million dollars! He was so moved and touched; his words to me were “I feel so special because of what you did” This whole scene had a dual effect, because of what he said to me I felt appreciated! While he felt appreciated because of what I did for him!

So as we celebrate Food Day Canada this year let it remind us how much we should appreciate those around us. Let us look for ways to say I appreciate you or find a reason to do something that has the same message: I appreciate you!

Happy Food Canada Day!

Be Well…Phyllis

A Life Coach is a great resource to use to help create a self-development plan.  A Coach will work with you to provide tangible results and support you in transferring the results in all other aspects of your life.  A coach will support you to be accountable to your self-development goals, as well as stop to celebrate your achievements along the way.  

Call for a complimentary 15-minute coaching session 1-204-942-8179 or Email:[email protected] Website: www.UltimatePotentials.com

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