Do one uncomfortable task every day!

Step Outside your Comfort Zone: Do one uncomfortable task every day!

As we settle into summer with all the wonderful activities that are unique to it, we often don’t stop to think about the need to step outside of our comfort zone. What with the weather being so much warmer, fruits taste so much sweeter; vegetables are crunchier and more vibrant in their taste. For those who are into the many festivals and fairs our province has to offer, there are no shortage of these.  This might be the reality for the majority of us who might be fortunate enough to have some time off during the few months of summer that grace us each year- not so for our farmers.

Take our prairie farmers for instance; summer in particular the month of August is a busy and long one! With a variety of crops likely ready to be harvested, and this entirely contingent upon our somewhat unpredictable weather, farmers can find themselves working long into the night even into the wee hours of the night only to do this all over again come morning!  Needless to say being tired, sleep deprived and downright fatigued have all become the norm for this group.

In honour of our farmers and their families, this article is designed to remind you of the importance of stepping outside the norm at times. You are encouraged to do something that is uncomfortably unfamiliar with your normal routine this time of the year:

  • Stop long enough to truly rest and recuperate.
  • Stop long enough to truly reconnect with your own sense of self as this reflects back into the quality work you produce.
  • Do remember to keep sight of the things that truly matter and,
  • Look for opportunities even during this very busy time to celebrate and acknowledge them.

It is this kind of perspective that will help us all get through any of our most challenging times.

Be Well…
In health and wellness,
Phyllis Reid-Jarvis

A Life Coach is a great resource to use to help create a self-development plan.  A Coach will work with you to provide tangible results and support you in transferring the results in all other aspects of your life.  A coach will support you to be accountable to your self-development goals, as well as stop to celebrate your achievements along the way.   Call for a complimentary 15-minute coaching session 1-204-942-8179 or Email:[email protected] Website:

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