5 tips to stay more active during the workday

Stay active at work

Walking Together | www.canolaeatwell.comDo you sit for long periods of time while at work? Keeping active at work is great for your health and happiness, and can make you more productive!

A study out of the United States found the almost 70% of people sit for more than 6 hours every day.

All of this sitting time can be harmful to your health, even if you exercise frequently.

Here are five tips to stay more active during your workday:

  1. Take the Stairs: Taking the stairs is an easy way to move more during the day. Try reaching 10 000 steps everyday!
  2. Take little breaks: Every 30 minutes or so, take a break to stretch or walk around the office. This will help you concentrate on your work and be more productive. Here are some great stretches you can do at your desk.
  3. Don’t send as many internal emails: Instead of sending an email to a colleague, walk over to their office. This gets you walking around even more.
  4. Walk during your meetings: Instead of planning meetings at lunch or in boardrooms, use meetings as a chance to walk.
    In fact,
    studies have shown that we actually think and remember better when we are active. Even better, take advantage of the beautiful summer and sun and take walking meetings outside.
  5. Take advantage of lunch:  Eating lunch at your desk instead of taking a break can actually make you less efficient. Use your lunch break to walk around, or visit a gym near your office building.
    If you work in downtown Winnipeg, take advantage of the
    Fitness in the Park programs at lunch. Mondays and Thursdays you can participate in yoga, Tuesdays and Fridays there is Zumba.
    My fellow summer student, Allison, and I have gone to both, and they are lots of fun, and we definitely felt more productive in the afternoon. 

Eat Well…Emily

Emily Cummings in Canola Field | www.canolaeatwell.com

Emily is a student in the department of Human Nutritional Sciences at the University of Manitoba.

Passionate about food and nutrition, she will begin her internship to become a registered dietitian in fall 2015.

She is currently the Canola Learning Centre Coordinator.