Beat the heat with Gazpacho

Do you enjoy soup even on a hot day? I do! It seems that I’m not alone. During a quick twitter poll, I had a few people in favour of hot soup on a hot day. Furthermore, on a recent lunch at a restaurant, I was surprised to find out that they were out of soup and it was over +30 that day.

I may be a fan of soup on a hot day but I don’t enjoy actually cooking it (or anything else) indoors when it’s as hot as it’s been across Canada this summer. I know I’m not alone on this, I see my neighbours barbecueing their evening meals almost every day too.

The perfect solution? A cold soup that requires no cooking, and yes there is such thing. You’d be surprised to see how many different types of cold soups you can make. A common summer favourite is Gazpacho. Gazpacho is a tomato-based and traditionally served cold soup originating in the southern Spanish region of Andalucía.

Be Well…Wendy

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