Canola Grower Exercises Mind, Body and Soul

I met Don McRuer, a Manitoba canola grower from Killarney at one of our Canola Grower meetings. What caught my attention about Don was his enthusiasm for physical activity and his love for life.

Don does his best to maintain healthy in mind, body and soul. His favourite activities include curling and golfing, both of which also exercise his mind he points out. He appreciates the mental challenges that golfing provides. He also makes a conscious effort to practice healthy eating habits and keeping his lungs healthy is of utmost importance to him.

Don was born and raised in Killarney. After working at Farm Credit Canada for thirty years, he moved back home to Killarney, where he currently still farms.

“You must take a holistic approach into account everyday and in every moment” he tells me.  Besides living a healthy, active lifestyle, it is evident he keeps his mind exercised too. His three rules to live by are: stay adequately exercised, focus on breathing well, and maintain a good diet.

“It’s important to stay adequately exercised between activities,” says Don. When he’s not golfing or curling, he also makes sure to stay active while he is farming. He makes sure to get out of the tractor and stretch right there on the fields.

When he turned thirty years old, he became aware of the benefits of limiting salt and meat consumption, and has done so to this day.  He eats whole wheat bread only, lots of vegetables and adds flax to his cereal every morning. He stresses the importance of eating breakfast daily. He also believes one of the most important things we can do for our health is to focus on our breathing. “Keeping our lungs healthy is key” he says.

When asked about family, a big smile appears on his face and his eyes soften up. He has a 4-year-old grandchild who keeps him busy. Children possess two traits he tells me –curiosity and imitation.  “We should provide all children with love, encouragement and praise” Don says.

The key to succeeding at all things he tells me, can be summed up in one word -relaxation.  He gives himself affirmations such as “…relax…smooth as silk” while he’s curling.

I leave Don with one final thought. I ask him what inspires him. He answers immediately without thinking. “My family, my upbringing, and my parents” he replies. “It sounds cliché, but it is so true” he adds with a little laugh.

His passion for life is inspiring and contagious.

Be Well…Wendy


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