#FarmToFood: Preparing for Harvest

Shorter Days = Harvest Time on the Prairies

As the days begin to shorten, the crops show signs that harvest is coming. There is a certain excitement and tension that leads up to harvest. The knowledge that a huge rush and push to bring in the crop compounds with the uncertainty of how much grain we will harvest. It is a time where all the hard work throughout the year comes to fruition.

Simon Ellis Harvest Swather | www.canolaeatwell.com

Preparing the Equipment

Farmers must prepare for the impending harvest.  Servicing equipment, cleaning grain bins, and finding help to run equipment must all be completed before harvest starts.  Making sure our equipment is field ready is very important. If a machine breaks, that could mean that the field isn’t harvested before the next rain.

Decisions are Made

Once all the other jobs have been competed, the crop is often fully mature or ripe. It is at this point we can choose one of two options: cut the crop directly into the combine (straight cut), or swath first and combine later. We go on crop walks to decide which option will be best suited to that particular field.

Swathing is where the crop is cut, collected, and placed in a row to help dry the stalks and grain.  We use this method if the crop has both fully mature and some immature plants. (canola in the photo above is being swathed)

Emotions of Harvest

The preparation that goes into harvest is often dirty and full of unique challenges, but is worth it when the combine takes its first bite out of the crop. There is a great relief and joy that we feel; harvest is finally here.

Be Well…Simon Ellis

Farmer Simon Ellis | www.canolaeatwell.comSimon Ellis is a proud farmer, seedgrower and husband. He grows crops in Wawanesa, Manitoba to help feed the world.

Deep farm roots, a passion for fitness, health and getting in the kitchen.

Read more about Simon in Meet Farm Family The Ellises or follow along with him @FarmLifeMB

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