Red Beans and Rice

Eat Well, Feel Great

Healthy Living Calendar 2015 | www.canolaeatwell.comHealthy eating is essential to managing diabetes but it also makes you feel great.

November is Diabetes awareness month and we will be sharing recipes that can be part of anyone’s dinner table. It just happens that these recipes have the stamp of approval from the Canadian Diabetes Association.

Order a complimentary copy of the 2015 Healthy Living Calendar packed with recipes and healthy living tips!

Diabetes Mythbuster

Myth #2: You don’t have to worry about fats when you have diabetes.

Fact: Because fats don’t directly affect blood sugar levels, people with diabetes don’t often pay as much attention to them as carbs.  However, fats do contribute to weight gain and can lead to diabetes-related complications.  Choose oils low in saturated fat, like canola oil. Reduce the fat in your diet with a few simple changes, like removing poultry skin and fat from meat, choosing low-fat dairy products, and avoiding hydrogenated oils and fried foods.

Learn about myth #1 here: Too much sugar causes diabetes.
Learn about myth #3 here: You should eat more protein than carbs if you have diabetes.
Learn about myth #4 here: Fruit is bad for people with diabetes.

Eat Well…Jenn