What We’re Lovin’ for June

What We're Lovin with Canola Eat Well | www.canolaeatwell.com

What Raeanne’s Lovin’

Uplifting Art

This past fall, I had the pleasure of visiting the National Gallery of Canada.  It was a beautiful and inspiring visit and I left feeling lighter and happier.  The recollection of that visit still brings me a smile.  No matter the city, I often find art galleries to be an uplifting experience and enjoy spending time in them whenever I can!

What Ellen’s Lovin’

Lemons & Limes

I am lovin’ all the ways you can use them. They are so versatile.   Zest them, juice them, slice them, bake with them, use them in making a vinaigrette or marinade, add them to drinks or make fresh lemonade with them.  The perfect addition to summer time baking and cooking.  I always have fresh lemons and limes on hand in my fridge.  I just wish a had a lemon tree!

What Simone’s Lovin’

Just finished reading Anthony Bourdain’s Appetites. If you were to write a cookbook for your children, what would it say? What recipes would you include? For me, it would be my paternal grandma’s ‘tourtiere’, the ‘mac ‘n cheese’ from many of my eldest daughter’s birthdays and the cinnamon rolls made from the leftover pastry dough from my mom’s waste not/want not” cooking philosophy. This concept is so important to me, we have a children’s recipe book – called, “Tasting My Story” that addresses one fictional family’s recipes over four generations. Want a copy? Connect with me on twitter @learncanola or email: [email protected].

What Jenn’s Lovin’


Grilled Tomato and Chickpea Salad | www.canolaeatwell.com

In Manitoba we are just heading into full gear of fresh local produce and I find the anticipation so exciting. It’s this time of year that I feel the need to bridge comfort style cooking into full-on seasonal everything I can get my hands on.

Chickpeas are one of my go-to pantry staples that help be through this transition. Perfect for a quick hot meal on a rainy day in this Chana Masala (Indian Chickpea Stew) that I’ve been known to stuff with all the spinach, baby kale and arugula I can get. Or you can beat the heat with this amazing Grilled Tomato and Chickpea Salad that is perfect for those early patio tomatoes, chives and parsley.

Eat Well…Simone, Jenn, Raeanne & Ellen