Eat Your Way to Vibrant Health

Garlic – Used for thousands of years to fight disease. Try roasting a whole head by drizzling with canola oil, wrapping in foil and baking in the oven for about an hour.

Here are 12 foods that keep you young! The real number one is canola oil of course but here are the next 12 you need in your kitchen. The fountain of youth is now within reach!

  1. Parsnips– The beauty food. The nutritional components of parsnips help strengthen hair and nails and improve skin quality. People who are plagued with acne or skin disorders will love the benefits of their unique balance of potassium, phosphorous and vitamin C.
  2. Avocados– This fruit has more protein than any other and is often known as nature’s butter with only about ¼ of the fat of dairy butter. Ounce for ounce, avocados provide more heart healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, folate, potassium and fibre than other fruit. They are also an excellent source of anti-oxidants which can protect arteries from hardening and eyes from cataracts.
  3. Pomegranates– This super fruit is very popular in the news right now because of its amazing disease fighting anti-oxidant content. You find it mostly in juices and they are almost 3 times more potent in anti-oxidants than the popular green tea, red wine, blueberry juice and cranberry juice. They also contain fibre, potassium, vitamin C and niacin, all of which contribute to a youthful energy and vitality.
  4. Bananas– Bananas are the most nutritious of the tropical fruits. Their fibre (from an unripe green banana) can help reduce bad cholesterol and increase the good by as much as 30%. The ripened banana is one of the best ways to soothe an upset stomach. Some rather unknown banana facts include their natural ability to soothe heart burn and help decrease the risk of stroke. They are also very high in minerals second to only strawberries.
  5. Broccoli – Here is a fun fact! Broccoli has almost twice as much protein as steak! 11.2g per 100 calories compared with only 5.4g. It is one of the most potent super foods boasting of claims such as: helping to fight cancer, heart disease and a host of other serious conditions.
  6. Apples– Current studies suggest that regularly eating apples reduces the risk of stroke and your chances of dying from a heart attack. They lower cholesterol and appear to decrease the risk of lung cancer. Eating them whole (with the skin on) is the best way to get the most nutrients out of them.
  7. Parsley– This herb is a powerhouse when it comes to rejuvenating and detoxifying. Try to include it daily in fresh form in: fresh juice, chop it into salads, soups, sandwiches and pasta. It is a great stress buster and has been shown to be effective in reducing depression, lowering cholesterol and strengthening kidneys.
  8. Cinnamon– This spice has been shown to help relieve bloating and stabilize blood sugar. It contains a compound that speeds up the processing of sugar in your body which means if you put it in your tea or water, or sprinkle a tiny bit on desserts, fruit and cereal, it will make your insulin release more efficient and may slow aging and help ward off diabetes and obesity.
  9. Oats – Oats contain twice as much protein as brown rice and are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates to maintain energy levels through the day. They can improve your resistance to stress, help to regulate the thyroid, soothe the nervous and digestive systems, reduce cigarette cravings and stabilize blood sugar levels.
  10. Garlic – This herb has been used to treat many diseases for thousands of years. It is rich in compounds that keep your body chemistry in balance – fighting infections, slowing down the production of cholesterol and lowering blood pressure. Add garlic to your cooking, salad dressings, or roast unpeeled cloves for 40-45 minutes, then peel and mash them into purees and sauces.
  11. Tomatoes– This low calorie fruit is packed with nutrients and phytochemicals, which boost the body’s immune defences. You can include this fruit in soups, sauces or salads! They are rich in vitamin C and B and contain a high amount of lycopene, which appears to act as a protective factor against cancer and also may benefit your heart. Cooked tomatoes contain more lycopene than raw, and most of the nutritional value is contained in the skin, so, ounce for ounce, cherry tomatoes are more nutritious than large ones.
  12. Almonds– Two ounces of almonds give you more than 50% of your daily requirement of magnesium – a mineral that is important in heart health. Eating almonds every day for at least a month has been shown to reduce cholesterol and lower other risk factors for heart disease. They may also reduce the risk of colon cancer. Sprinkle them in salads or grind them into pastry!

Include these super foods into your diet as often as you can and enjoy the benefits!

Keep Well…Kristy

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