Your Health and Fat Soluble Vitamins

What are fat Soluble Vitamins?

Fat soluble vitamins are vitamins that are soluble in adipose tissue. Adipose tissue is the lipid layer of the body that is made of adipose cells or the fat cells in the body. These cells store fat that is taken in the diet with food along with fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. These vitamins are found in a variety of foods and require fat in the diet for digestion, absorption and storage.

What Foods Contain Fat Soluble Vitamins?
Vitamin A is found in carrots, pumpkin, cheese and squash,
Vitamin D can be found in cheese, eggs and salmon,
Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils like canola oil and green leafy vegetables,
Vitamin K can be found in spinach, wheat bran and organ meats.

Role of Fat Soluble Vitamins in the Diet

Vitamin A
Fat soluble vitamins play very important roles in many functions of the body. Vitamin A plays a major role in vision and eye slight. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to night blindness.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D is promotes the absorption of calcium for the maintenance of healthy teeth and bones.

Vitamin E
While vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and protects against oxidation.

Vitamin K
And vitamin K works in the production of blood clots and controls bleeding when the skin is cut.

Supplements – Are they Useful?
Taking supplements of vitamin A, D, E or K can be useful in certain situations, but they are not the best choice for everyone. It is important to note that the best form to take vitamins is in foods. When we eat foods that contain vitamins we are receiving the benefits of the vitamins along with the fibre, energy and healthy fats in the food source. Food sources are always the best choice for obtaining nutrients and vitamins. It is always best to consult a physician before taking supplements.

Live Well… Chinweoke

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