Breakfast of Champions: Why Breakfast is Important

September and October usually bring with them new daily routines. Sports and other extracurricular activities, as well as school, are just starting up, and for many, the four months leading up to the new year is their busiest time of year. Far too often, this can cause us to overlook the most important meal of the day: breakfast. With our busy schedules, it can easily be rushed, or even worse –forgotten.

Why is breakfast so important? Breakfast literally “breaks the fast” our body takes after a night of sleeping. Without food during the night, our brain and muscles are in need energy and fuel to be able to function first thing in the morning.

Eating breakfast can improve concentration and it sends signals to your body and your metabolism to get working faster. Therefore, eating breakfast helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Try to include carbs, protein, and fibre in your breakfast. In a rush during the week? Try some of the following:

–       apple slices and cheese

–       cook your oatmeal the night before (or on the weekend) and add fruit or cinnamon

–       throw some berries, yogurt and granola in a to-go cup

–       grapefruit and toast

–       cottage cheese and fruit

–       last night’s leftovers

–       sautéed apples







On the weekends, when you have more time, be sure to try one of our many variations on a classic breakfast staple, the pancake. Here are a whole bunch you can try:

Family Favourite Pancakes
Warm Apple Pancakes








Be Well…Wendy

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