What We’re Lovin’ for March

What We're Lovin with Canola Eat Well | www.canolaeatwell.com

What Ellen’s Lovin’

International Women’s Day March 8

Women walking in canola field | www.canolaeatwell.comCheers to all the inspiring, powerful women in my life!  They have paved the path for me and I salute them for their achievements, their courage and drive for being leaders in their fields.

International Women’s Day on March 8, 2015  is a global day celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.

It’s a day to celebrate women’s achievements, call for great equality #makeithappen is the hash tag to follow.

What Jenn’s Lovin’

Is Gwenyth Paltrow wrong about everything?: When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash

Tim Caulfield | www.canolaeatwell.comThere is something about celebrity culture that has always fascinated me.  Why do so many people want to know so much about people they will likely never meet?  Why do people take advice about health, wellness and diet from celebrities that are not experts in these fields?

Most importantly is there any scientific evidence to suggest that any of the wild ideas found plastered on TV, in magazines and all over the internet are true? Do they really work?

Tim Caufield’s latest book, ‘Is Gwenyth Paltrow wrong about everything?: When Celebrity Culture and Science Clash‘, covers these topics and so many more.  If you haven’t yet picked up a copy, I highly suggest the read.  Tim’s other book ‘The Cure for Everything‘ is also a favourite and much referenced book in my library.

What Simone’s Lovin’

Chase Superman Duffy

Chase Superman Duffy | www.canolaeatwell.comI am sad – it’s been such a positive, learning experience – but the last of the Chase Superman Duffy children’s graphic novel goes to print today. For those who haven’t met Chase, he is

Name: Chase Duffy
Age: 12
Height: 4’11”
Hair colour: brown

Chase is a Grade 6 student in a mid-sized city in Alberta. He is a sprinter and long distance runner for the school track and field team, and practices by running around the path of his grandfather’s canola farm. In the winter, he runs on the treadmill.

Chase’s friends call him “Superman” because he can run so fast—a nickname he whole-heartedly welcomes. One Halloween, he even dressed up as Superman. His arch nemesis on the track is Gordon “Lightning” Smith.

Chase loves to read and write. He maintains a weekly blog at Fields of Home. He also writes short stories and poems—though he’s not as good at poetry. He also maintains a Tumblr account, an Instagram profile, a Facebook fan page and he tweets teacher tips @SupermanDuffy.

Chase has a wonderful relationship with his grandparents, particularly his grandfather. The two of them go on many adventures.

Be Well…Ellen, Simone and Jenn


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