What We’re Lovin’ for June

What We're Lovin with Canola Eat Well | www.canolaeatwell.com

What Ellen’s Lovin’

Creating experiences vs buying presents

Maybe it’s because I am a teacher by training or mom or a “doer” but I rather “do” things than to buy that special thing.   Don’t get me wrong, I like to shop and for certain situations a present is part of social norm.  But when it comes to creating memories for me, with my family, having impact in people’s lives and sharing moments with friends, it’s the things that we do together that always stand out.

Here’s a great article that shares why to say yes to experience – The Science of Why you Should Spend Your Money on Experiences, Not Things.

This summer, my plan is to have more experiences in my life that enriches me!

Share what’s your summer plans to win a canola oil kitchen package below.

What Simone’s Lovin’

Exploring the Arts

I had the privilege of attending the Mayor’s Celebration of the Arts for the City of Edmonton.

The evening itself was a delight. From the moment the lights flickered, we were entertained by young hip hop dancers, comedic hosts, and the new poet Laureate. Interspersed amongst the awards, and the cheers of the groups who had come to support their nominees and friends, I discovered that the presidents of some of northern Alberta′s biggest companies are not only professionally competent, but funny as well.

I enjoyed the art gallery, the craft display, the fancy food. As a long-time supporter of the theatre arts, I was particularly inspired by the variety and the quality of the talent that lives in my city. And this is not an attempt to brag about where I live, but to encourage you to explore if your city has such an event. Then consider making this one of your evenings out.

Yes, you may not like the short play, nor the rock ′n roll band, but the energy and the enthusiasm of the artists in attendance is palpable. (And yes, Ellen Pruden, the popcorn sure tasted like the Middle Eastern Popcorn recipe that we printed several years ago.)

What Jenn’s Lovin’

It’s Lake Season

Beach Combing | www.canolaeatwell.comAs the school season wraps up, the lake season kicks into full swing.  Whether you have your own getaway, prefer to tent it, enjoy day trips to public spaces or are fortunate to be guests, it’s the time of year when the weather is perfect for visiting the lake.

Everyone has their favourite spot, a location they call their own.  Mine is Delta Beach on the very Southern sandy shore of Lake Manitoba. We relax, we engage in sport, we exist with nature, play board games, enjoy our family and one of my favourite parts – beach-combing. Every year brings us different treasures and ideas for new DIY projects or outdoor art projects.

Nature is beautiful, it’s energizing and relaxing. I hope you too will make time for a day outdoors with the ones you love in nature.  Your heart will thank you for it!

If you happen to be a guest this summer to a cabin, here are my Top Cabin Guest Tips.

Eat Well…Ellen, Simone and Jenn
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